Original Articles
A simple eye model for practicing indirect ophthalmoscopy and retinal laser photocoagulation
An eye center–wide burnout intervention: resilience program and burnout survey
Case Reports
Using two smartphones to look for corneal cystine crystals
Grand Rounds
A 45-year-old man with unilateral optic disc edema and vision loss
Images and Video
Laser pointer injury findings on OCT angiography
A pulsing descemetocele
Corneal opacities and dry skin
Pseudo-Vossius ring after Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty
Bilateral multifocal choroidal osteoma with choroidal neovascular membrane

Published: 2019-03-31

Using two smartphones to look for corneal cystine crystals

Swaha Bose, MD, BMedSci, Damien C. M. Yeo, MBChB, FRCOphth, Sidath Wijetilleka, MBBS, FRCOphth


A pulsing descemetocele

Clare McCloskey, MB BCh NUI, David Dunleavy, MB ChB Leeds, William Power, MB BCh, MRCPI, FRCSGlasg, FRCOphth

Corneal opacities and dry skin

Samantha J. Bartling, DO, Aaron S. Cantor, MD

Pseudo-Vossius ring after Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty

Magdalena Popiela, MBChB, FRCOphth, MSc, Bushra Thajudeen, MBBS, FRCOphth, Vinod Kumar, MBChB, FRCS

A 45-year-old man with unilateral optic disc edema and vision loss

Benjamin G. Jastrzembski, MD, Nurhan Torun, MD
