CASE REPORTS: Post-traumatic lens absorption with an intact lens capsule

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Ashley Gao, BA
Alisha Kamboj, MD, MBA
Joshua Olson, MD


A 29-year-old male presented with longstanding, stable, unilateral vision loss in the setting of a remote paintball injury. His exam was notable for a large sensory exotropia as well as multiple foci of posterior synechiae, segments of white lenticular material and islands of lenticular cells within a grossly intact capsule, and severe zonular compromise in the affected eye. The patient was diagnosed with post-traumatic lens absorption and underwent synechialysis, capsulotomy, excision of remnant lenticular material, and placement of a sulcus lens. Our report uniquely highlights the identification of a Soemmering’s ring in an absorbed lens in the presence of an intact anterior capsule. Furthermore, it highlights a successful refractive and sensorimotor outcome following surgical repair despite delay in treatment for many years.


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How to Cite
Gao, BA A, Kamboj, MD, MBA A, Olson, MD J. CASE REPORTS: Post-traumatic lens absorption with an intact lens capsule. Digit J Ophthalmol. Published online May 19, 2024. doi:10.5693/djo.02.2024.01.001
Case Reports


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