“Low-fat” intradermal spindle cell lipoma of the upper eyelid: a case report

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Mary Kate Wilson, MD
Elizabeth Goldberg, MD, PhD
Aldo Fantin, MD
Gulsun Erdag, MD


Spindle cell lipomas are slow-growing, benign tumors composed of bland spindle cells, adipocytes, and collagen bundles. They are typically found on the posterior neck, shoulder, or upper back. Spindle cell lipomas represent only a small percentage of reported lipomatous tumor types. We report the case of a 90-year-old white man who presented with a solid mobile lesion on his right upper eyelid. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis of the lesion led to a diagnosis of a “low-fat,” intradermal, spindle cell lipoma. This case underscores the importance of considering spindle cell lipoma in the differential diagnosis for atypical eyelid lesions.


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Wilson MK, Goldberg E, Fantin A, Erdag G. “Low-fat” intradermal spindle cell lipoma of the upper eyelid: a case report. Digit J Ophthalmol. 2024;30(4). doi:10.5693/djo.02.2024.06.005
Case Reports


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